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Electrical appliance packaging toy packaging Electronic product packaging jewelry packaging Hardware packaging Environmentally friendly packaging cosmetic packaging Pharmaceutical packaging food packaging Daily packaging clothing packaging gift packaging adhesive tape label/signage tray Ropes/ties Packaging Equipment Packaging forming machinery Packaging testing equipment Second hand packaging machinery plastic packaging materials packaging paper Cloth packaging materials Pharmaceutical packaging materials Metal packaging materials glass packaging materials Composite packaging materials Hot stamping and hot stamping materials Auxiliary packaging materials Plastic packaging products Paper packaging products Glass and ceramic packaging products Metal packaging products Bamboo and wood packaging products Fabric packaging products Composite packaging products Packaging products and accessories Anti-counterfeiting packaging


Beijing Shanghai Tianjin Chongqing Hebei Shanxi Inner Mongolia Liaoning Jilin Heilongjiang Jiangsu Zhejiang Anhui Fujian Jiangxi Shandong Henan Hubei Hunan Guangdong Guangxi Hainan Sichuan Guizhou Yunnan Tibet Shaanxi Gansu Qinghai Ningxia Xinjiang Taiwan Hongkong Macao


Kunshan Yunmei Packaging Material Co  普通会员

主营产品:Packaging materials, all kinds of tape, packing tape, nylon tie, winding film, protective film, wire film, vacuum bag, inflatable bag, all kinds of velcro, etc.

ming wah packaging materials limited  普通会员

主营产品:Furniture factories, hardware factories, plastic factories, electronic factories, hardware factories all over the country -------

Foshan Xinzhiye Packaging Material Co  普通会员

主营产品:Processing, production: plastic products

沈阳市伟明胶黏制品有限公司  普通会员

主营产品:沈阳市伟明胶粘制品有限公司是一家专业胶带生产企业。并通过ISO9001国际品质认证。“诚信、技术、品质”是我们一贯的宗旨,致力于缔造国内一流胶带产品是我们的目标。 主要生产PE保护膜、静电保护膜、拉伸缠绕膜、聚酰亚胺胶带、聚酰亚胺薄膜、聚酰亚胺F46薄膜、PET耐高温胶带、PET模切、聚酰亚胺模切、美纹纸胶带、双面胶带、警示胶带、封箱胶带、布基单面胶带、布基双面胶带、管道胶带、铝箔胶带、汽车泡棉、纤维胶带等。

Nanjing Ningchen Packaging Material Co  普通会员

主营产品:Sealing Tape|Packing Tape|Wrap Film|Balers

Nanjing Jinma Packaging Material Co  普通会员

主营产品:Sealing Tape|Packing Tape|Wrap Film|Balers

Foshan Xinzhiye Packaging Material Co  普通会员

主营产品:Processing, production: plastic products

Shenzhen Zhengshuo Trading Co  普通会员

主营产品:medical products, office and educational products, optical products, electronic products and other fields

Guangzhou Congjin Packaging Material Co  普通会员

主营产品:Production and sales of sealing tape transparent tape printing tape striped paper tape kraft tape cloth-based tape and other adhesive tape

Kunshan Vistas Electronics Co  普通会员

主营产品:Self-adhesive cover tape Polyimide tape High temperature tape Masking tape Foam tape Double-sided tape Mara tape Teflon tape Conductive tape Insulation tape

昆山义尔亿电子有限公司  普通会员


Kunshan Dometic Electronic Technology Co  普通会员

主营产品:Silver Dragon Tape, Varnish Film, Wire Tie Film, Teflon, Double Sided Tape, Masking Tape, Kraft Paper Tape, etc.

Shenzhen Baoan District Shiyan Jia Dexing Electronic Materials Co  普通会员

主营产品:3M tape Dessa tape Nitto tape

Shenzhen Baoan District Songgang Antaixing Adhesive Products Co  普通会员

主营产品:glass edging tape, glass edging tape, removable tape, acrylic tape, 3m tape, sign backing, gray acrylic tape, adhesive tape,

Shenzhen Dudu Adhesive Technology Co  普通会员

主营产品:All over the country, at home and abroad, and other places

Shanghai Yuguan Adhesive Products Co  普通会员

主营产品:Transparent tape, double-sided tape, 3M tape, Nitto tape, winding film, protective film

Shenzhen Longhui Adhesive Products Co  普通会员

主营产品:glass edging tape, glass edging tape, removable tape, acrylic tape, 3m tape, sign backing, gray acrylic tape, adhesive tape,
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