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Xiamen Kangfarman Health Management Co., Ltd.  普通会员

主营产品:Mothers’ needs for postpartum conditioning, physical recovery, maternal and infant care, and early education for newborns

Fujian Mihai Network Technology Co., Ltd.  普通会员

主营产品:Technical services, technology transfer, technology consulting, technology development, self-operated or agency import business of various commodities and technologies in the field of network technology, etc.

Xiamen Feiyuesheng Advertising Co., Ltd.  普通会员

主营产品:Advertising design, production, agency, and publishing; exhibition and conference services, corporate marketing planning, etiquette and celebration services; indoor and outdoor decoration and landscape engineering construction (operated with qualification certificates); brand promotion; transportation facility engineering, and landscaping engineering design.

Fuzhou Shunli Vehicle Industry  普通会员

主营产品:Services: vehicle information consultation (excluding brokerage), retail: automotive supplies (items subject to approval according to law, business activities can only be launched after approval by relevant departments), second-hand car sales

Xiamen Qiying Luggage Accessories Co., Ltd.  普通会员

主营产品:Processing and sales: luggage accessories, desiccants, chemical products (excluding hazardous chemicals, monitoring chemicals and precursor chemicals), hardware stamping parts, packaging materials, paper products (excluding printed matter).

Xiamen Bangyu Environmental Art Engineering Co., Ltd.  普通会员

主营产品:Design and production of outdoor advertising projects, large outdoor steel structures, street signs, high columns, and exhibition display projects

Xiamen Oumeite Bathroom Equipment Co., Ltd.  普通会员

主营产品:A professional manufacturer that designs and produces bathroom stainless steel braided pipes, double-buckle shower pipes, PVC extruded pipes and hardware and copper accessories.

Quanzhou Guanghuifeng Hardware Products Factory  普通会员

主营产品:Hardware products, metal screens, gold plating of doors and windows

莆田市心福餐具有限公司  普通会员

主营产品:心福餐具凭借先进的生产设备和技术及前瞻性的设计思维,致力于餐具新产品开发与造型设计,同时以敏锐的时尚触觉时刻把握潮流方向,针对市场需求设计开发各种款式新颖的花色,产品广泛应用于家庭、酒店、大专院校、企事业单位、机关食堂、快餐连锁机构等餐饮行业。并可根据客户要求定做指定的商标图案,满足广大客户的不同需求。 心福餐具,一个致力于创造美好家居生活的餐具品牌,始终坚持品质和人文精神,以“家的味道,心福知道”为企业理念,努力用产品营造健康、清新、简约的生活。 心福以诚信、实力和高品质产品获得了业界的认可,

Xiamen Leyang Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.  普通会员

主营产品:The company's business scope involves: performance public relations planning, entertainers, wedding parties, conference layout, opening celebrations, booth production, stage lighting and sound rental and engineering and other supporting services.

Songle Sports Goods Sales Department, Gulou District, Fuzhou City  普通会员

主营产品:Sporting goods retail and wholesale. (Projects that require approval according to law can only be carried out with the approval of relevant departments)

Zhejiang Yicheng Door Industry Fuzhou Branch  普通会员

主营产品:Supplying Fuzhou fire doors, Fuzhou safety doors, Fuzhou security doors, Fuzhou copper and aluminum doors, Fuzhou double and double doors, Fuzhou non-standard doors, Fuzhou Feng Shui doors, Fuzhou auspicious doors, Fuzhou indoor and agent franchises

泉州亿诺礼品工贸有限公司  普通会员

主营产品:泉州亿诺礼品工贸有限公司坐落于中国树脂工艺品之乡—福建泉州,公司成立于2008年,公司占址3068.5㎡,是一家专注于流水喷泉,圣诞工艺礼品,宗教马槽人物神象,家居装饰品的开发、生产、销售为一体的工贸型企业。 近年来随着大众消费水准的不断提高,直接诱发了人们对生活情趣更高层次的追求 。时尚、品质、个性,有特色的流水产品越来越成为家居生活中不可或缺的装饰品,也成为单位、个人赠送的时尚礼品。为了让大众多能体验到把大自然带回家所带来的感觉。公司将继续朝着“产品品牌化、管理规范化、经营国际化”的目标迈进,力争与世

Ningde Funeng Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.  普通会员

主营产品:The company's current equipment fields include: handling equipment, forklifts, industrial water addition, liquid automation equipment, automotive air conditioners, industrial dehumidification equipment, agricultural drying equipment, air source heat pump energy-saving equipment. Precision electromechanical equipment manufacturing and processing; water and electricity design and installation; electromechanical equipment repair and maintenance, sales of Wujinjiaodian, metal materials, and electronic products; (projects that require approval according to law can only be carried out with the approval of relevant departments)
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