主营产品:Acupuncture training, painless acupuncture training class, internal medicine acupuncture training, gynecological acupuncture training, hemiplegia acupuncture training, facial paralysis acupuncture training, cerebral stroke, cerebral hemorrhage acupuncture training, cerebral infarction acupuncture training, brain atrophy acupuncture training, cerebral insufficiency acupuncture training, aphasia Acupuncture training, acupuncture training for physical disabilities, acupuncture training for changes in laughter and laughter, acupuncture training for severe insomnia and dizziness, one-shot acupuncture training for rhinitis, (effective preventive shot for stroke) Gynecology: breast hyperplasia, breast lumps, agalactia, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts in the uterus Membranous disease, chocolate cyst, infertility, amenorrhea, delayed menopause and prevention of aging
主营产品:Acupuncture training, massage training, massage training, cupping training, fire therapy training, moxibustion training, and a variety of health program training, Chinese medicine weight loss training, Chinese medicine beauty training.