The price of American Qingli Fungicide Qingli Fungicide Qingli Fungicide B Our company is the general agent in China of the American Qingli Company ( ) reverse osmosis membrane antiscalants and cleaning agents, specializing in the sales of American Qingli Company ( ) Products and provides professional technical services, and is the only one in China that has been appointed as a special agent in China by the four major reverse osmosis agent
manufacturers of the United States, Qingli, Beidi, Nalco, and Dahu, to sell all products under its company. Our products and tracking services allow you to buy with confidence and use with peace of mind. Tel:
Qingli Company’s fungicide r
Mainly used in Liulichang, power plants, chemical plants, food plants, steel plants, sewage treatment plants, etc.
r is a product produced by the American Qingli Company It is a safe and effective non-oxidizing bactericide with broad-spectrum bactericidal properties and will not cause hidden dangers to the system caused by drugs such as bromine, iodine, peroxide or peracetic acid. Due to r's unique chemical properties, it can be effectively used to control the growth of microorganisms throughout the reverse osmosis system, protect the reverse osmosis membrane from contamination, and extend the service life of the membrane.
1. Physical and chemical properties
The specific gravity value of the main components is applicable to the membrane type
The ammonium salt is about ./~ cellulose acetate membrane or composite membrane
2. Instructions for use Sales phone number
Fungicide r can be used in the following three ways.
Continuous dosing type
This method is suitable for situations where surface water sources are used and there are a lot of bacteria and algae. Inject r into the security filter before using a dosage of ~.
, Intermittent continuous type
This method is suitable for using groundwater water sources and when there are relatively few bacteria and algae. Injection is intermittently every other day or every other week, and the dosage is 3~.
Impact type
In this method, low-pressure circulation flushing takes no less than minutes. (This method does not work with cellulose acetate membranes).
Note: Before soaking with r, it should be washed with acid to remove possible hydroxides on the membrane surface. After soaking, wash with alkali (cleaning agent B from Qingli Company is recommended) to remove the corpses of organisms and organic residues.
3. Standards
Comply with US national drinking water/standards.
4. Packaging
Imported from the United States, gallons per barrel (kg/barrel).