- 尺寸:
- 15.5cmx6.5cmx2cm
- 形状:
- 长方形
- 厚度:
- 3cm
Source of fine imitation bags Fine imitation bags: Source of fine imitation bags One-to-one factory fine imitation bags Source of fine imitation bags: Source of fine imitation bags One-to-one fine imitation bags Factory fine imitation bags Source of fine imitation bags Bags: source of fine imitation bags, one-to-one fine imitation bags, factory fine imitation bags, source of fine imitation bags: source of fine imitation bags, one-to-one fine imitation bags, factory. The quality of products on the market today is uneven, and so are the prices. Meet someone and make an offer. How to find a long-term, stable supply of goods is a question that many store owners are concerned about. Over the years, our company has cultivated a large and stable customer base with its direct supply of goods and its high-quality conditions. What website does this information come from? Located in the country's largest leather goods trading market, Guangzhou Baiyun World Leather Trade Center specializes in the production and wholesale of fine imitation bags, Gucci and other international brand large bags. Hats, scarves and other supplies.
There are independent websites for wallets and belts that specialize in online ordering and wholesale business. The company has its own factory, dedicated showroom, wholesale stalls and office area. It is your best partner for selecting
manufacturers’ supply online! We sincerely develop a long-term cooperative relationship with you!
Product introduction:
Strictly follow the original pattern making of fine imitation bags, use the highest quality original fabrics and zippers of fine imitation bags, and use skilled craftsmanship to make the product highly authentic and suitable for customers' requirements for high-quality products.
) Version: The fine imitation bag original bag is plated with the exact same paper grid as the original bag, so that the appearance, shape, and size of the bag can be the same as the original version. The version is the most basic factor in whether the bag is well made or not.
) Fabric: Using the highest quality special fabric, the color is very close to the original.
) Hardware: Mai high-density electroplated hardware ensures that the zipper is not easy to fade after high-density electroplating
) Accessories: Anti-counterfeiting thread, quality control card, instruction manual, dust bag, etc. are all equipped.
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