- 材质:
- HT250
- 型号:
- 齐全
- 硬度:
- HB200
, > Inspection plate
Inspection plate is suitable for various inspection work. The reference plane for precision measurement is used for machine tool mechanical inspection and measurement benchmark to check the dimensional accuracy or shape deviation of parts and make tight markings. , it is also an indispensable basic tool in mechanical manufacturing.
Inspect the working surface of the flat plate to be free of defects such as sand holes, pores, cracks, slag inclusions, shrinkage porosity, scratches, bruises, embroidery spots and other defects that seriously affect the appearance and performance.
. The casting surface of the inspection plate should be clear of molding sand, flat, and firmly painted.
On the working surface of the inspection plate with an accuracy level of 1~, the sand holes with diameters smaller than 10% are allowed to be plugged with the same material, and their hardness should be smaller than the hardness of the surrounding materials. There should be no more than one sand hole blocked on the working surface, and the distance between the sand holes should be no less than 1.
, >. The inspection plate should be made of high-quality, fine-grained gray cast iron and other materials, and its working surface hardness should be ~HB.
The scraping process is usually used to inspect the flat working surface. For the grade flat working surface processed by scraping, the maximum allowable value of surface roughness R is &.
The test plate should be demagnetized and stabilized.
On the two opposite sides of the inspection plate, there should be threaded holes (or cylindrical holes) for installing handles or lifting eye devices, and the device location should be designed to minimize deformation caused by handling.
. Set threaded holes (or grooves) on the working surface of the inspection plate, and their location should not be higher than the working surface. The maximum overall size of the inspection plate is meters. If it is larger than this size, it can be spliced into multiple pieces. After wear and tear, it can be re-scraped to restore its accuracy. The flatness of the parts can be checked using the coloring method, which is accurate, intuitive and convenient. Pushing the watch base and workpiece on the scraped cast iron flat plate is smoother and has no astringent feeling, which facilitates measurement and ensures measurement accuracy.
Inspecting the cast iron quality and heat treatment quality of the flat plate will have a great impact on the performance of the flat plate, or the working surface may be deformed due to large residual internal stress, or the accuracy cannot be maintained due to lack of wear resistance, or the value cannot be obtained due to difficulty in scraping. Small roughness. Therefore, when using cast iron flat plates, we must pay attention to the selection of cast iron materials, and use aging treatment and other methods to eliminate the residual stress of the cast iron flat plates.