): This product It must be used together with products such as protein mixed drinks, and it will not have much effect when used alone. For details, please refer to our store's weight loss package products, or consult our store manager and customer service!
< . : >: >< r# >Specification capacity: daily amount
< . : >: >< r# >Usage: one spoon (.g) at a time, add r directly to Shake together with your favorite protein shake and use. It is recommended to shake it a few times more than usual.
< . : >: >< r# >Function: Reduce body fat and resist hunger. Take advantage of the dual effects of r to control hunger, reduce body fat, help you reduce calorie intake and optimize your weight control plan!
< . : >: >< r# >Unique formula helps significantly reduce calorie intake
< . : >: >< r# >Helps reduce body fat and can help promote body fat loss Burn
< . : >: >< r# >Helps increase satiety
< . : >: >< r# >Does not contain stimulants
< . : >: >< r # >The main active ingredients have been verified by clinical trials