- 尺寸:
- 4米*25米
- 草高:
- 2CM
- 密度:
- 14700
<= d:--d --r :--: --:..--r :. -r :.---r :- --.-dd. .> <- -> : : < - -- d> < Grass height: :- -->According to customer requirements
: < - -- d> < Line spacing: :- -->/
: < - -- d>
: < - -- d> < Number of tufts (density): :- -->
: < - -- d> < Size : :- -->M*rice*roll
: < - -- d> < Material: :- -->Plastic
: < - -- d> < Place of origin: :- --> Wuxi
: < - -- d> < Category: :- -->Artificial turf
: < - -- d> < Color: :- -->Two-color sand (emerald green and apple green)
: < - -- d> < Category: :- -->Artificial Turf
: < - -- d> < < < Product Brand: :- -->: Wuxi Green Artificial Turf Co., Ltd.
: < - -- d> < Model: :- -->
: < - -- d> < Applicable occasions:- -->Decoration place, foreign craftsmanship, wear-resistant, step-resistant and easy to take care of< br/> <- - : : < - -- d> < Size: :- -->
: < - -- d> < d : < - -- d> <