- 规格:
- 长度
- ∅50:
- 1.5米。3米
- ∅60:
- 1.5米。3米
it can make lightning impulse current and fault current faster The grounding effect is more significant under harsh soil conditions. The four cutting-edge technologies used in electrolytic ion grounding electrodes include moisturizing formula, ion sustained release, deep grounding, and long-term resistance reduction. They solve the problems of resistance reduction, corrosion resistance, and service life to the greatest extent, making this product It has obvious advantages in various grounding performance and adaptability, and its application fields are very broad.
Breaking through the limitations of soil - the backfill material contained in the electrolytic ion ground electrode has good expansion, water absorption and ion permeability, and achieves water retention through the capillary principle. No matter how the weather or surrounding environment changes, it can maintain a certain humidity in the surrounding soil to achieve the best conductive state, and can gradually expand the conductive range of the surrounding soil over time. It is suitable for different geological conditions
. It can achieve good grounding drop through high-quality construction technology
in black soil, loess, saline-alkali soil, garbage soil, backfill soil, weathered sand soil, fine sand soil, clay, and mountainous areas. Resistance effect.