- 款号:
- b1
- 款式:
- 单肩手提
- 流行元素:
- 车缝线
. In terms of strength, Zhihao Leather Bag Factory has experience in customizing and processing women's bags and women's handbags in recent years, and has years of experience in exporting foreign trade women's bags. It has famous employees and imported equipment. It can produce 1 bag per day, 10,000 bags per month, and sell 10,000 bags annually.
. The professional Zhihao Leather Bag Factory only makes mid-range women's bags and women's handbags, and nothing else. It also positions mid-range women's bags priced at 1 yuan or US dollars. It mainly exports women's handbags for foreign trade. It is more professional because of its focus.
, R&D capabilities Zhihao Leather Bag Factory mainly produces casual women's bags and popular women's bags. It has its own development team and produces new styles every day and every month. The nearly 1,000-square-meter exhibition hall has a variety of sample packages to choose from, saving you the cost of finding samples and developing sample packages.
Customers testified that Zhihao Leather Bag Factory has strict quality requirements! The women's bags produced by Zhihao Leather Goods are designated as trustworthy products by customers in Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Angola, Nigeria, Dubai and other countries
Women's bag manufacturers, Zhihao Leather Goods and Bags Factory custom-made fashionable women's bags
Zhihao Leather Goods Factory address Datong No., Ersanli Industrial Zone, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province
Yiwu Zhihao Leather Goods Vice President Unit of Yiwu Luggage Association
Contact Number (Manager Ding)
Friendly Links Yiwu Zhihao Leather Goods
// Women's bag manufacturer