Chlorphenesin API manufacturer direct sales: /
Chlorphenesin search keyword: chlorphenesin raw material Chlorphenesin API manufacturer Chlorphenesin API manufacturer Chlorphenesin API manufacturer Chlorphenesin API manufacturer The largest manufacturer of chlorphenesin API The largest supplier of chlorphenesin API Usage and dosage < br/> Product alias: -p-chlorophenoxy propylene glycol
English name:
English alias: -(-)
Molecular formula
Molecular weight: .
Registration number: -
Color: white
Odor: inherent characteristic odor with a slight smell of phenol
Appearance: fine, crystalline powder without foreign matter, impurities, or discolored materials
Melting point: -. &;
Content: not less than %
Application: antifungal, preservative
Packing specifications:. ;.
Storage: sealed and stored in a cool, dry place