Guangzhou Xingyouxing Leather Goods Factory was established in 2001. The factory has 9 employees and a square meter workshop. The factory specializes in the production of Italian counters, original genuine goods, original luxury brand bags and wholesale. The factory has been producing luxury goods for eight years. Bag experience, our bags can achieve the quality of fake ones. After all, all of our bags are purchased from authentic models and made by our senior craftsmen using the most authentic Italian original top-grain leather and Italian Majiang original hardware. The raw materials and hardware used in our factory form a perfect match. There is no difference between the bags made and the genuine ones. The products can definitely stand the test of the market. The most important thing is that they are cost-effective and have won the love of customers. The products occupy a large market. Customers from all over the world are welcome to call us for inquiries!
If you are looking for high-end Italian counters with original and authentic luxury bags, it is recommended that you compare our products first, and then compare products from other
manufacturers. We will not deceive every consumer. If you want to find the source of goods, don’t miss us, an honest manufacturer. The business philosophy our company adheres to is: establishing long-term cooperative relationships with customers with the best quality. We rely on the quality and integrity of our products to stay in the market for many years.
Company phone number
Company address: Shiling International Leather City No., Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou City
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