If you are looking for high-end products If you want genuine Italian counters and genuine luxury bags, we recommend that you first compare our products and then compare other manufacturers' products. We will not deceive every consumer. If you want to find the source of goods, don't miss us as an honest manufacturer. The business philosophy our company adheres to is to establish long-term cooperative relationships with customers with the best quality. We rely on the quality and integrity of our products to stay in the market for many years.
Looking for high-end original Italian counters, original factory authentic goods, luxury bag wholesale, please give us a chance to cooperate. If there is a quality problem, we support returns and exchanges. At the same time, we will recruit agents for free and support dropshipping
Our bags and Although there is no difference between genuine products and they support counter inspection, we do not have brand certification after all, so we will explain to customers who come to wholesale that they are original products.
Our original goods, whether it is leather, hardware, zippers, workmanship, bag shape, quality and feel, are consistent with the counters and support perfect inspection at the counters. Welcome to take samples to view the goods and return them within days if you are not satisfied
Please do not take them on the market. The original order and the original product are one-to-one to compare prices. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. No one is a fool
............. Customers from physical stores everywhere are welcome to take samples. Viewing the goods supports dropshipping
........ Our company has a large exhibition hall with an area of more than 2 square meters in Shiling, Huadu. People from all walks of life are welcome to visit the exhibition hall to view the goods and take delivery
^^^^^^^^^^^^Contact Information
Bag WeChat (please add QQ if full)
Scarf WeChat (high-quality scarves and scarves wholesale)
Customer Service QQ
Company phone number
Company fax
Business number
Company address Shiling International Leather City No., Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou City
DB We will identify the suspect on the day of the month At the scene, villagers commented that they did not expect that the police would still be looking for someone after the New Year. Officer Yuan, the police officer handling the case, introduced that Liu himself confessed that after the incident, he ran home out of fear and hurriedly grabbed a few clothes and then went to work part-time in a Huangling store, earning a total of RMB 10,000 a day. Later I heard that four members of the family were killed and they fled to Yunnan when they knew the matter was getting serious.
DB A reporter saw Liu at the Fu County Detention Center on May 1st. He was only 6 years old and his hair was already graying. After arriving in Yunnan, I worked at a construction site moving rocks until my boss refused to pay me. Later, I walked from Yunnan for half a year and begged along the road to Chengdu, where I made a living by picking up garbage and doing odd jobs. Liu, who was hiding everywhere without an identity card and with no fixed abode, said frankly that during his absconding period, he was not only suffering in life but also under tremendous psychological pressure.