Guangzhou Xingyouxing Leather Goods Factory was established in 2001. The factory has 9 employees and a square meter workshop. The factory specializes in the production of Italian counters, original genuine goods, original luxury brand bags and wholesale. The factory has been producing luxury goods for eight years. Bag experience, our bags can achieve the quality of fake ones. After all, all of our bags are purchased from authentic models and made by our senior craftsmen using the most authentic Italian original top-grain leather and Italian Majiang original hardware. The raw materials and hardware used in our factory form a perfect match. There is no difference between the bags made and the genuine ones. The products can definitely stand the test of the market. The most important thing is that they are cost-effective and have won the love of customers. The products occupy a large market. Customers from all over the world are welcome to call us for inquiries!
If you are looking for high-end Italian counters with original and authentic luxury bags, it is recommended that you compare our products first, and then compare products from other
manufacturers. We will not deceive every consumer. If you want to find the source of goods, don’t miss us, an honest manufacturer. The business philosophy our company adheres to is: establishing long-term cooperative relationships with customers with the best quality. We rely on the quality and integrity of our products to stay in the market for many years.
Looking for high-end original Italian counters and genuine luxury bags wholesale, please give us a chance to cooperate. Returns and exchanges are supported for quality problems. We also recruit agents for free and support dropshipping!
Although our bags are no different from genuine products and support counter inspection, we do not have brand certification after all, so we will explain to customers who come to wholesale that they are original products.
: Our original products are consistent with those at our counters in terms of leather, hardware, zippers, workmanship, bag shape, quality and feel! And support perfect inspection at the counter! Welcome to take samples to see the goods. If you are not satisfied, you can return or exchange within days!
Please do not compare prices with original orders, original copies, or one-to-one products on the market! As the saying goes, you get what you pay for! No one is a fool!
........................Welcome customers from physical stores from all over the world to take samples to view the goods, and support dropshipping
.............This The company has a large exhibition hall with an area of more than one square meter in Shiling, Huadu. People from all walks of life are welcome to visit the exhibition hall to view and purchase goods!
^^^^^^^^^^^^Contact information
Bag WeChat: (please add if full)
Scarf WeChat: (High-quality scarves and scarves wholesale)< br/> Customer service,
Company phone number
Company fax
Business number
Company address: Shiling International Leather City No., Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou
, is It was proved that the stairs in the restaurant were slippery and caused his fall. Mr. He provided a video taken with his mobile phone. In the video, Mr. He was seen lying on the stairs with a painful expression and shouting. There were traces of water on the stairs. A restaurant staff member, Yu, put a towel on his face. , Mr. He told Yu that it was useless to apply it on his face because his feet hurt.
, Fanlaishun Restaurant and its operator believe that the water on the stairs was poured by Mr. He's companion. Mr. He was drinking when the incident occurred. After falling, the restaurant manager used a towel to help him apply his face to sober up, and Mr. He wears slippers and falls easily.
, Restaurant administrative manager Yu Mou testified that he saw Mr. He drinking with his own eyes when he was patrolling the room. When Mr. He fell and stepped forward to help, he smelled a strong smell of alcohol on his body, so he used a hot towel to help him. Apply a face mask to sober up, and the restaurant staff assisted Mr. He in calling an ambulance.
, The judge, together with both parties, went to the Panlaishun restaurant for on-site inspection on the day of the year. The inspection found that the stairs from the second floor to the first floor of the restaurant were paved with anti-skid bricks and anti-slip tapes, and a caution stair sign was posted at the turn of the stairs. Equipped with handrails. Mr. He believes that the slope of the stairs is steep, the front and rear width of the stairs is narrow, and some handrails on the stairs are equipped with vertical railings, making it impossible to hold on to the handrails and go down the stairs. Fan Laishun Restaurant and its operator believe that Mr. He's claim that the stairs are defective is just a subjective understanding, and there is no evidence to prove that the stairs are substandard.