& >Quality management system of stone procurement, strict product production control and perfect after-sales service commitment. R Dijue will continue to rely on its timeless craftsmanship and elegant and luxurious styles to make every guest's heart beat and revel in the beautiful spiritual feelings that span time and space.
Our main products include counter original Louis Vuitton, counter original Gucci, counter original Chanel H, counter original Dior, counter original Hermès, counter original Original Prada RD, counter original Celine and many other popular luxury brand bags and wallet products. Our advantages are quality assurance and affordable prices.
Xing Youxing Leather Company's products are all reproduced from European original
manufacturers, allowing you to truly feel the charm of top brands! Product styles are in sync with the latest fashion trends, and we guarantee product quality and stable supply! All bags are made of fine workmanship and sophisticated materials. They are currently the highest quality products in China. They can be easily entered and exited from customs without any pressure!
What we fight for is quality! . After purchasing our products you will discover what craftsmanship means! After using it, we will become your trusted partner!
Our factory mainly produces counter bags, bags, B bags, bags, H bags, DD bags, RD bags, bags, etc.
Our factory is located in Lijia Industrial Park, Gegang Road, Shiling Town, Huadu. Customers are welcome to visit!
At the same time, we have a large product showroom covering an area of more than square meters in Huadu, Guangzhou. Customers are welcome to visit and inspect!
Our factory mainly deals in high-end quality goods, suitable for purchasing merchants, selling at famous brand stores and shopping mall counters in various places. Customers who have higher requirements for bag quality are welcome to purchase and cooperate!
We sincerely invite physical store merchants from all provinces and cities to cooperate. We sincerely recruit online agents to support drop shipping and counter inspection!
........................Welcome customers from physical stores from all over the world to take samples to view the goods, and support dropshipping
.............This The company has a large exhibition hall with an area of more than one square meter in Shiling, Huadu. People from all walks of life are welcome to visit the exhibition hall to view and purchase goods!