One-to-one high imitation bag factory WeChat agent
Our company has long-term provision and wholesale of luxury high imitation products from WeChat
manufacturers. Our store has a physical store in Guangzhou Baiyun Leather Goods World Trade Center, selling world-class luxury bags, watches, clothing, etc., such as Chanel, Prada, Coach, Yves Saint Laurent, Versace, Burberry, and Armani. First-hand manufacturers supply wholesale prices, complete supply and guaranteed quality. There are Hong Kong three-type receipt shopping bags and film packaging. Support dropshipping and return and exchange.
We are now recruiting luxury goods nationwide agents for free: physical stores and online agents such as Taobao and WeChat can guarantee zero investment, zero inventory and zero risk to ensure reliable first-hand supply quality.
Agents only need to forward my WeChat pictures and publish them on their own WeChat or sell them on I will give you the agency price and you can sell it to customers at an additional price. If a customer buys a package from you, please submit the order to me and I will deliver the package.
Agents save themselves the financial pressure of purchasing goods and the tedious delivery. As long as they have a mobile phone, they can do it part-time or full-time. One is also the agency price! ! ! As long as you have pictures, we will have the supply. Whether you are a student or a housewife, as long as you have WeChat, you can become an agent and use your circle of friends to make money! ! !
Customer Service WeChat ID:
Bag WeChat ID:
Watch WeChat ID:
Clothing WeChat ID:
Shoes WeChat ID:
Accessories WeChat ID
Smuggled goods, parallel imports, original goods WeChat ID:
The information/pictures/parameters, etc. displayed on this webpage about【Mk one to one high imitation bag factory WeChat agent】are provided by member【Guangzhou Shangya Clothing Co., Ltd.
】,By Titker Trade Network members 【Guangzhou Shangya Clothing Co., Ltd.
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If your legitimate rights and interests have been infringed, please contact Titker Trade Network customer service as soon as possible. We will serve you wholeheartedly. Thank you for your attention and support to Titker Trade Network!