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aerated blocks
Materials required for aerated block inspection: fly ash, lime cement, block quicklime, phosphogypsum, aluminum powder
Fly ash should comply with/stipulate the following technical requirements: Proportion of consumption per cubic meter
Lumpy quicklime should comply with the regulations of /, the technical requirements are as follows: digestion time, digestion temperature is greater than 10 degrees
Proportion of lime content of overburned stone consumption per cubic meter
Cement content Proportion of consumption per cubic meter
Phosphogypsum content proportion of consumption per cubic meter
Aluminum powder content trace consumption per cubic meterbr/> The solid content of aluminum powder or aluminum powder paste in aerated block equipment is greater than, The active aluminum content is greater than
The cement of aerated block equipment should comply with the regulations, and the cement content
The ash content is less than, the fly ash content is less than, the content is less than
Steps/methods for inspection of aerated blocks
The bulk density of lightweight autoclaved aerated concrete blocks is generally equivalent to that of hollow clay bricks/solid clay bricks/concrete and is also lower than that of general lightweight aggregate concrete
Insulating autoclaved aerated concrete The interior of the block contains a large number of bubbles and micropores, so it has good thermal insulation properties. The bulk density/thermal conductivity of aerated concrete is usually 1/2, and the thermal insulation capacity is 2 times that of clay bricks and that of ordinary concrete
The compressive strength of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks is 100%. The overall strength is high, and each block is generally equivalent to a clay brick. Therefore, the strength utilization rate of the masonry is high, and the strength utilization coefficient is It has low thermal conductivity and slow thermal migration, which can effectively resist fire and protect the structure from fire. Its fire resistance temperature is as high as ℃. It is a first-class refractory material. It is an inorganic non-combustible material and does not produce harmful gases at high temperatures. It is a fire-fighting inspection-free product
Sound-absorbing autoclaved aerated concrete has a spherical closed porous structure, so it has a certain The sound absorption performance is better than that of ordinary concrete, and the sound absorption coefficient is better than that of ordinary concrete. It is suitable for building walls that have special requirements for sound absorption. The sound insulation of aerated concrete walls is, thickness is, thickness is, thickness is.
The compressive strength of the durability specimens increased after being exposed to the atmosphere for one year, and the strength remained stable after one year. The strength of most aerated concrete increased slightly after natural carbonization.
Water-impermeable autoclaved aerated concrete has a closed independent spherical structure, so it absorbs water and conducts water slowly. After testing, the shower nozzle was used to spray the thick clay brick wall and the aerated concrete wall respectively. The clay brick wall was completely soaked, while the aerated concrete wall was penetrated to a deeper depth