- 最高温度:
- 340
- 出口压力:
- 低压
- 燃料:
- 天然气
< . < . ) defines biomass as : Biomass is organic matter derived from plants and animals. Biomass resources are very abundant. At present, the global annual water and terrestrial biomass production is about < . < . ~< . < . times of the total global energy consumption. According to statistics, the potential of biomass resources can reach <. The biomass energy that can be developed and utilized in our country includes: various agricultural wastes (straws and chaff, etc.), firewood, forestry wastes (leaves and branches, etc.), organic waste, and human and animal excrement. Statistics show that my country's four resources of straw, firewood, excrement and garbage are < . . . .< . billion tons of standard coal. According to the Ninth Five-Year Plan, my country's fuelwood forest area should reach < . < . million hectares, and will reach < . < . 2. Types and characteristics of biomass Generally speaking, there are three main types of biomass: woody, non-woody and animal dung. These three categories can be subdivided into seven categories: forests, agricultural plants (woody), trees outside forests (woody), crops (non-woody), crop waste (non-woody), and processing waste materials (non-woody) and animal manure (dung). Biomass commonly used for energy conversion can be divided into four major categories: wood residues (covering all materials derived from wood and wood products, mainly including: fuel wood, charcoal, waste wood and forest residues), agricultural waste (All waste related to farming and crop processing. For example: rice husks, straw and animal dung), energy crops (crops dedicated to energy production. For example: sugar cane stalks and cassava) and municipal solid waste (< . < . ). The components of biomass include: cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, protein, simple sugars, starch, moisture, ash and other compounds. The content ratio of each component is determined by factors such as biomass type, growth period and growth conditions.