- 尺寸:
- 25.5cmx20.5cmx5cm
- 形状:
- 竖款方型
- 厚度:
- 4cm
Contact: Li Xin
Many people are saying that the bags are one-to-one authentic, but there is no standard for these, and at best they can only be said to be imitations. It’s just more or less! The high imitation of the package is 1:1%, also called 1:1. However, there are still relatively few factories that can really achieve 1:1 genuine products, especially in the current market chaos, because the price is relatively higher than those so-called % Highly imitated bags will be more expensive, so they will certainly not be attractive enough to those customers who only look at price.
Although the high imitation luxury goods industry has been our specialty industry many years ago, I have always despised it in the past.
One to one (Super): Super is made from the top layer of high-grade cowhide. This grade is considered medium to upper. The production process is much more sophisticated because the price is reasonable and the product quality is passable. This type of bag is more popular among the majority. A crowd favorite.
Our company is located in Guangzhou Baiyun Leather City, the largest leather goods trading center in the country. It is a leather goods brand management company that integrates leather goods design, sales, and brand management. It mainly operates top international well-known brands with precise imitations: quality Prada bags, handbags,
shoulder bags, wallets, belt bags, Gucci Wholesale of bags, Chanel bags and other international brand fashion bags.