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< .The composition of current construction project costs
< The cost of construction project products is composed of direct costs and indirect costs. It is the monetary expression of living labor and materialized labor consumed in the construction production process. It is the monetary expression of the value of construction products. Foundation. The cost of construction products reflects the cost expenditures of construction companies in the process of producing and selling construction products, which reflects the economic effects of all the work of the company. The price of construction products is the monetary expression of the value of construction products. The price of products is the expression of the cost of workers creating products and obtaining profits in the process of producing products. Therefore, the cost of construction projects consists of direct costs, indirect costs, profits and taxes. composition.
< .Direct costs
< Direct costs include direct engineering costs and measure costs. Direct engineering costs refer to the various expenses that constitute the project entity consumed during the construction process, including labor costs, material costs, and construction machinery usage fees. Measure costs refer to non-engineering entities that occur before and during the construction of the project to complete the project. The cost of the project.
< Direct engineering costs
< Direct engineering costs mainly consist of labor wages, material fees and construction machinery usage fees.
< ① Labor wages. Labor wages refer to various expenses incurred by production workers who are directly engaged in the construction of building and installation projects. It turns out that the unit price of labor wages was determined according to previous relevant documents and reflected the average wage level under the planned economic system. The labor wage level is far different from that under the current market economy system, which curbs workers' enthusiasm for labor. In addition, when workers complete sub-projects, they also create profits for the company. The profit calculation method under the planned economic system makes the profits created by workers always based on a fixed quota and cannot truly reflect the value-profit created by workers' remaining time. ②Material fee. Material costs refer to the costs of raw materials, auxiliary materials, components, parts, and semi-finished products that constitute the engineering entity consumed during the construction process. Building material costs account for a large proportion in construction and installation projects. The budget price of building materials will directly affect the cost of construction projects. Therefore, only by predicting and predicting the budget price of building materials based on understanding the market conditions and price operation rules of building materials can we faithfully reflect the cost of construction projects, accurately formulate infrastructure plans, and promote the economic accounting of enterprises to achieve good benefits.
< Estimated price of materials and their composition: