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- 15117962400
- QQ:
- 1040554941
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- 010-53309157
square is OK, depending on your own financial situation , if you have sufficient funds, the store can be larger, but if funds are tight, the store can be smaller. For example, the total investment for students to open a square meter store is about 10,000 yuan. (This 10,000 yuan includes our learning fee, the medicinal materials needed when you open the business, the payment for the duck series, and some operating tools and store decoration during the opening. Here), Zhou Hei Ya, the gross profit of the products opened by the store is generally more than 50%, and the entire investment can be recovered in a month. Zhou Hei Ya, learners need to go to Zhou Hei Ya Wuhan Head Office to participate in
unified training. The learning time is usually about ten days, until mastering, the time is not limited, when to learn and when to leave, the learning fee is RMB, no more Any other expenses and food during the study period are free.
Zhou Heiya, learning is done by one or two people, and the training is mainly based on practice. Zhou Heiya uses a completely transparent teaching method
For training, every student must do it themselves, starting from clear water and continuing. It needs to be done until the finished product is released, and
the taste must reach the taste that Zhou Hei Ya sells on the shelves before it can be returned. Zhou Hei Ya, now mainly sells brands to the whole country. Every student must learn to taste the same as the master’s before he can leave. Otherwise, he has not learned to make our brand
bad, and it will be bad for you and me. There are great losses. Zhou Hei Ya can also teach by correspondence. Jiujiu Yabo has a complete set of technical information
and a complete operating CD, so that students who are far away can easily learn our Zhou Hei Ya
production technology, and the correspondence fee is RMB. If you are interested, please contact us.
Beijing Xinxiang Tianhe Catering Management Co., Ltd.
Zhang Lu
Address No. East, Nanyuan Folk Tourism and Culture Street, Fengtai District, Beijing