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Let’s take a look at how Zhihao Leather Goods grasps the quality of handbags and women’s bags: Yiwu Luggage Factory Zhihao Leather Goods, a manufacturer specializing in women’s bags, has always been on the road and processed each bag as a work of art, allowing Every bag is a silent life form in the eyes of customers. Many people in the industry know that Zhihao Leather Goods specializes in processing women's bags. Many customers come to the bag factory to customize women's bags, come in with samples or select samples for processing, and they all hope that the delivery time will be as short as possible! However, Zhihao Leather Products has a responsible attitude and will inform customers of the delivery date according to the normal production cycle of the luggage factory, otherwise they will not accept the order! This is because every time Zhihao Leather receives a customer, it must be responsible for the customer and the user!
Every customer comes to Zhihao Leather Goods to choose a sample package or submit a sample for processing. Zhihao Leather Goods must first go through the proofing and confirmation process. In the process of proofing and confirmation, it must go through the expert "quality package". This kind of Tasting bags&r is not just a matter of looking at them. Senior designers from luggage factories and sales staff with many years of market experience play with them together and point out the shortcomings in preparation for adjustments. No more points, no more points. ! Make the entire bag look complete before officially sending it to the customer for confirmation! When the customer confirms the formal order, the luggage factory will also conduct a pre-production sample confirmation. That is, the team that officially produces bulk goods will produce two more sample bags according to the sample bags confirmed by the customer, and then the pre-production sample will be taken and finished. Check&r to ensure that the pre-production sample is consistent with the previous sample package, and then send it to the customer for confirmation! Although this may cost the bag factory a lot of energy, customers of the bags produced by Zhihao Leather Goods are basically very relieved, and many of them pass without inspection. Many customers will send merchandisers to station at the luggage factory for a long time, but Zhihao Leather Goods never uses them.
Indeed, many luggage factories will say "done" after processing a batch of women's bags, but Zhihao Leather insists on delivering it to customers as "done", precisely because Zhihao Leather insists on processing women's bags. Well, we strive for excellence in detail, satisfy customers, and satisfy customers. That’s why the luggage factory has achieved today’s glory!
Luggage factory Zhihao leather goods, the preferred manufacturer of handbags and women's bags produced by foreign trade export manufacturers
Yiwu Zhihao leather goods factory: Datong No., Ersanli Industrial Zone, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province
Yiwu Zhihao leather goods &&Vice President Unit of Yiwu Luggage Association
Telephone: (Manager Ding)&:
Friendly Links: Yiwu Zhihao Leather Goods
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