Guangzhou Xingyouxing Leather Goods Factory was established in 2001. The factory has a number of employees and the workshop covers an area of 2 square meters. The factory specializes in the production of original Italian counters, genuine goods, original luxury brand bags, wholesale. The factory has eight years of experience in producing luxury bags. Our bags can be of real quality. After all, all our bags are purchased and patterned. Our senior craftsmen use the most authentic Italian original leather and Italian Majiang original hardware to make them. The raw materials and hardware used in our factory form a perfect match. There is no difference between the bag and the genuine product. It is an absolute product that can withstand the test of the market. The most important thing is that it is cost-effective and has won the favor of customers. The product occupies a large market. Customers from all over the world are welcome to call for inquiries
If you are looking for high-end products If you want genuine Italian counters and genuine luxury bags, we recommend that you first compare our products and then compare other
manufacturers' products. We will not deceive every consumer. If you want to find the source of goods, don't miss us as an honest manufacturer. The business philosophy our company adheres to is to establish long-term cooperative relationships with customers with the best quality. We rely on the quality and integrity of our products to stay in the market for many years.
Looking for high-end original Italian counters, original factory authentic goods, luxury bag wholesale, please give us a chance to cooperate. If there is a quality problem, we support returns and exchanges. At the same time, we will recruit agents for free and support dropshipping
Our bags and Although there is no difference between genuine products and they support counter inspection, we do not have brand certification after all, so we will explain to customers who come to wholesale that they are original products.
Our original goods, whether it is leather, hardware, zippers, workmanship, bag shape, quality and feel, are consistent with the counters and support perfect inspection at the counters. Welcome to take samples to view the goods and return them within days if you are not satisfied
Please do not take them on the market. The original order and the original product are one-to-one to compare prices. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. No one is a fool
............. Customers from physical stores everywhere are welcome to take samples. Viewing the goods supports dropshipping
........ Our company has a large exhibition hall with an area of more than 2 square meters in Shiling, Huadu. People from all walks of life are welcome to visit the exhibition hall to view the goods and take delivery
^^^^^^^^^^^^Contact Information
Bag WeChat (please add QQ if full)
Scarf WeChat (high-quality scarves and scarves wholesale)
Customer Service QQ
Company phone number
Company fax
Business number
Company address Shiling International Leather City No., Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou City
DB Liu Mouhu belongs to Liu Mou Wang, a brother from the same village, was Liu's friend. The three of them were very close to each other while making a living doing odd jobs near Luochuan County. The day before the incident, the three of them drank and discussed going to settle accounts with Fan, and then bought a three-edged knife in a store. It was already night when they walked from Luochuanyuan to Yukou Village in Fuxian County. The three of them sneaked into Zhang's house after all the villagers were asleep.
DB Zhang turned on the light when he heard someone pushing the door open. After Liu Hu entered the house without saying a word, he poured the pesticide in his hand into Fan's mouth and drank some of it himself. Ignoring Zhang's pleas, Liu Hu and others began cruel revenge. Liu, who was under 18 years old, escaped early because of fear. Liu Hu and Wang also escaped after committing the crime. Although the two criminals have been duly punished, Liu has been absconding. If we can't catch this person, we always feel like we're in trouble. Officer Yao said.