Guangzhou Xingyouxing Leather Goods Factory was established in 2001. The factory has a number of employees and the workshop covers an area of square meters. The factory specializes in the production of Italian counters, original genuine goods, original goods, luxury brand bags wholesale, and the factory has With eight years of experience in producing luxury bags, our bags can be of fake or genuine quality. After all, all of our bags are purchased from authentic models and made by our senior craftsmen using the most authentic Italian original top-grain leather and Italian Majiang original hardware. The raw materials and hardware used in our factory form a perfect match. There is no difference between the bags made and the genuine ones. The products can definitely stand the test of the market. The most important thing is that they are cost-effective and have won the love of customers. The products occupy a large market. Customers from all over the world are welcome to call us for inquiries!
If you are looking for high-end Italian counters with original and authentic luxury bags, it is recommended that you compare our products first, and then compare products from other
manufacturers. We will not deceive every consumer. If you want to find the source of goods, don’t miss us, an honest manufacturer. The business philosophy our company adheres to is: establishing long-term cooperative relationships with customers with the best quality. We rely on the quality and integrity of our products to stay in the market for many years.
Looking for high-end original Italian counters and genuine luxury bags wholesale, please give us a chance to cooperate. Returns and exchanges are supported for quality problems. We also recruit agents for free and support dropshipping!
Although our bags are no different from genuine products and support counter inspection, we do not have brand certification after all, so we will explain to customers who come to wholesale that they are original products.
Business number
'r H', D, , , BB What makes Mr. Xie a little angry is that the name and phone number are personal privacy, how can they be uploaded to the Internet casually? He told reporters from China Youth Daily & China Youth Online that the photos in the complaint letter were not taken by him or uploaded by him. When he originally sent the complaint letter to the Jiangnan District Food and Drug Administration and other departments, in order to ensure the safety of the letter, he also specially I went to the post office to send a registered letter. In order to find an explanation for himself, he began to defend his rights.
'r H', D, , , BB By checking the mailing number, Mr. Xie found that the report letter he sent to the Jiangnan District Food and Drug Administration was signed for by the mailing room of the destination on the day of the month. On March 1, Mr. Xie received the "Notice of Not Accepting Consumer Complaints" from the Jiangnan District Food and Drug Administration. He further confirmed that this letter of complaint and report was not only delivered, but also the work of the Jiangnan District Food and Drug Administration. The personnel must have taken it apart.
'r H', D, , , BB The reporter asked the Jiangnan District Food and Drug Administration for verification. A staff member of the legal affairs department of the bureau told the reporter that the Jiangnan District Food and Drug Administration received this letter on the 1st of the month. After submitting the complaint letter, they responded on the 1st of the month because of the public opinion on the Internet. They also conducted an internal investigation into the matter, but there is no evidence that the report letter was leaked from them.
'r H', D, , , BB According to the "Measures for the Management of Food and Drug Complaints and Reports" that came into effect in this month, the whistleblower's information must be kept strictly confidential and is absolutely not allowed to be leaked from a legal perspective. If relevant departments intervene to verify (if it is our problem), we will definitely punish it severely. But our bureau has never leaked personal information of whistleblowers in all these years. This staff member believes that there is a possibility of leakage in every link from the writer to mailing, receiving, and handling.
'r H', D, , , BB
'r H', D, , , BB In order to safeguard his rights, Mr. Xie first sent a letter of complaint to the Jiangnan District Discipline Inspection and Supervision Bureau, hoping that The Jiangnan District Discipline Inspection and Supervision Bureau can give him an explanation and deal with the illegal behavior of the leaker in accordance with the law. The reporter then went to the Complaints and Complaints Office of the Jiangnan District Discipline Inspection and Supervision Bureau for an interview. The other party said that if it involves leaking citizens’ privacy, they should protect their rights through law. This does not fall within the functional scope of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department.