- 产品型号:
- 双组份
- 产品规格:
- 25公斤/箱
- 厂家:
- 衡水永盛
Minimum order quantity in kilograms
Two-component polysulfide sealant is also called two-component polysulfide construction sealant double Component polysulfide sealant, etc.
Packaging specifications There are two types of two-component polysulfide sealant
A carton packaging weight of kilograms/box contains a plastic barrel, of which five barrels are white polysulfide sealant called components. The weight of each barrel is about .kg. The other barrel is black curing agent called component B. It is divided into five plastic bags and each bag weighs about .kg. That is to say, each box contains five components and the weight of each component + B is kilograms. The components are milky white viscous polysulfide sealant and component B black or gray viscous curing agent. The weight ratio is that the volume of each group is about 1.3 cubic meters, which can be filled in about 1.5cm x 1.3cm expansion joints. A gap equivalent to centimeters by centimeters needs to be filled with kilograms of two-component polysulfide sealant.
The packaging weight of two iron drums is kg/carton. Each drum contains two plastic bags. The large packaging is white polysulfide sealant and the weight is kg. The small packaging is black curing agent and the weight is kg. The weight ratio is the same. The volume of the polysulfide sealant in this package is .3 cubic meters and can fill a gap of about 30cm x 1cm.