- 规格:
- 1.1KG/套
- 品牌:
- 道康宁
- 颜色:
- 透明
<#><#>Dow Corning r silicone rubber is a two-component kit product composed of liquid components, including basic components and curing agent. A medium viscosity mixture with a consistency similar to that of engine oil is obtained by completely mixing the basic components and curing agent in a weight ratio of 1:1. Regardless of the thickness, the mixture will solidify into a tough, transparent elastomer that is most suitable for electronic/electrical packaging and potting applications. <#>Dow Corning r silicone rubber cures within the temperature range of ~℃ without exothermic phenomenon and does not require secondary curing. It can be used immediately after the curing process is completed in the temperature range of -~℃.
<#><#>Product characteristics
< < <#><#>Low toxicity
No special precautions in routine industrial operations
< <#><#>No solvents or curing by-products
No heat released during curing, no special ventilation required, no corrosion, minimal shrinkage during curing
< <#><#>After curing< br/>Transparent, elastic, shock-resistant and transmission performance that slows down mechanical vibrations. Small components can be inspected with naked eyes and easy to repair
< <#><#>Environmentally friendly performance, low water absorption, good radiation resistance, under high vacuum conditions Low air leakage
< <#><#>Excellent electrical properties
< <#><#>Stability within a wide temperature range
Resistant to depolymerization at -~℃ The elasticity and flexibility properties remain stable within the range even in a closed state
< <#><#>Flame retardant and flammability classification is - Temperature grade: ℃
<#><# =>Product Application :
<#><#>Dow Corning r silicone rubber is widely used in electrical/electronic packaging and potting. It has environmental protection in the following applications:
-. <#>< #>Equipment models
< < <#><#>Relays, power supplies and magnetic amplifiers
< <#><#>Transformers, coils and ferrite cores
< <#> <#>Connector
< <#><#>Fiber optic waveguide coating
< <#><#>Circuit board packaging
<#><#>Dow Corning r silicone rubber Suitable for purification applications include:
< < <#><#>Solar cell packaging
<#><# =>Photoelectric display packaging
<#> <# =>