- 注册公司:
- 1500
- 企业年检:
- 1500
- 代理记账:
- 500
What are the forms of company registration?
A company is generally an organization established for the purpose of engaging in commercial business activities or for the purpose of profit. There are various forms of companies, the main ones are as follows: An unlimited liability company is a company in which all shareholders bear unlimited liability for the company's debts, and each shareholder is responsible for the company.
A limited liability company is a company in which all shareholders are liable for the company's debts only to the extent of their respective capital contributions.
A limited liability company is a company in which some shareholders bear unlimited joint and several liability for the company's debts, while the other shareholders bear limited liability for the company's debts only to the amount of their capital contribution.
A joint stock company is a company whose capital is divided into equal shares, and all shareholders are only liable for the company's debts to the extent of the shares they hold.
The capital of a joint-stock partnership is divided into equal shares. Some shareholders bear unlimited joint and several liability for the company's debts, while other shareholders bear limited liability for the company's debts only according to the amount of shares they hold. Such a company is What we usually call a joint stock limited liability company.
The company mainly has the above forms. I hope the above brief introduction can help you better understand the company.
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