Many people don’t know the bag etiquette at weddings. In fact, in addition to the handbags used by the bride to match her wedding dress, there should also be special dress handbags and cheongsam handbags. The bridesmaids should also match their bags according to the color of the dress they are wearing. .
This summer, eye-catching gold and silver have become the definite protagonists of the fashionable stage, with patent leather, sequins, and satin all making luxurious appearances. Wedding Bridesmaids Stylish Sequined Women's Bag Bridesmaids are no longer the bride's companion at the wedding. Silver sequined handbags can be paired with light-colored, simple and elegant bridesmaid dresses, making you look like you will not steal the bride's limelight, and may make the guests at the wedding look away. , becoming the most sparkling second heroine!
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Evening bag brand
Bottega Veneta
Jimmy Choo