Imitation Song_ This article comes from the founder of He (Chris Dixon), who has made early investments in He.
We have previously published "Suddenly this company became successful" and everyone is still talking about this topic and is still interested in it. At the same time, many friends have put forward many very good insights, so let us continue to discuss one of the most important factors for entrepreneurial success: timing! This article comes from the founder of He, who has made early investments in He.
I have never had the opportunity to invest but I must admit that if I had the opportunity I would have missed it (which would have been a huge mistake). I have seen many cases of companies that have been doing video services before and their failures. Due to this mentality, I have deep doubts about this field. ##.##.中#华利#志网
For most of the previous video service websites, an important reason for their failure is that their ideas and products at the time were ahead of their time. Untimely. By then all market conditions have matured. By this year, all the conditions supporting streaming video services have matured: sufficient home bandwidth, the popularity of digital cameras, technological advancements, copyrighted web content can be easily imported, and bloggers want to embed videos on their blog pages. And while building a great product, more importantly, it hit the right market moment.
You will find that many things on the Internet have been tried in various forms. Successful companies after the Internet bubble such as , , and almost all other successful startups have many failed predecessors.
Entrepreneurs should always ask themselves a question: Why will I succeed when others fail? If your answer is simply that I am doing the right thing or that I am smarter, then you may be underestimating your predecessors because they may be your competitors or they may be more powerful entrepreneurs than you in any other field. are more successful than you. Instead your answer should explain why your timing was right and whether the social infrastructure was ripe for your idea to ultimately succeed. If the necessary conditions had been in place say a year ago then your idea could have been implemented. It happens at the moment when everything is ready and only needs to be implemented. Of course if they hadn't done it at the time there would have been others who would have succeeded in this area.
However, those necessary conditions are often developing rapidly and it is very difficult to predict when these conditions will be met. We all know that the Internet will become more social, personal, mobile, interactive, and successful startups will eventually grow in these areas. But knowing when this moment will happen is very difficult.
One way to reduce the risk of starting a business is to manage your cash flow. If you want to try existing mature development models, then your investment must be more aggressive and bold. If you want to chase some models that are developing rapidly, then you'd better take a longer-term view. This requires you to have enough trial training and patience, but it is also one of the necessary factors for your success!
Therefore, in many cases, your failure does not mean that you are not good, but that your time to succeed has not come yet. As the saying goes, success requires the right time, place, and people. Starting a business requires seizing the opportunity!