- 提取来源:
- 干燥花
- 产品规格:
- 10:1
- 包装规格:
- 25kg/纸板桶
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Chinese name: Daphne flower extract
Alternative names: Daphne, Daphne, Daphne, wild lilac
Extraction source: dried flower
Product status Brown powder
Extraction solvent water ethanol
Detection method
Product specifications
Functions: Treat diarrhea by drinking, detoxify and kill insects. It is used for edema and fullness, water accumulation in the chest and abdomen, accumulation of phlegm and fluid, dyspnea and cough, scabies, bald sores, and chilblains.
Usage and Dosage: Oral decoction, grind into powder, take each time. Appropriate amount for external use, grind into powder and apply or decoct and wash with water.
Contraindications: It should not be taken by those with weak constitutions or by pregnant women. It should not be used together with licorice.
rr < br Plant pictures
rr < br Daphne bb />
Daphne bb />
< Daphne, also known as medicinal fish grass, mouse flower trouble Fish flower, headache flower, dull head flower, headache bark, asbestos bark, soaked rice flower mud, autumn tree, yellow spurge, Sichuan mulberry, fish poison, Latin name: Daphneaceae, Daphne family, deciduous shrub, meter high, multi-branched bark, brown, hairless branchlets, cylindrical, thin , many wrinkles after drying, young branches are yellow-green or purple-brown, densely covered with light yellow filamentous pubescence, old branches are purple-brown or purple-red, hairless. Leaves are opposite, sparsely alternate, papery, ovate or ovate-lanceolate to elliptical-oblong, apex acute or short acuminate, base broadly wedge-shaped or obtuse, entire edge, green above, after drying Dark brown, light green below, yellowish brown after drying, densely covered with silky yellow pubescence when young, only scattered silky yellow pubescence at the base of leaf veins when old, style short or absent, stigma capitate, orange-red. The fruit is fleshy, white, oval, hidden in the lower part of the existing calyx tube. The flowering period is 3 months and the fruit period is 3 months.
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rr < < br bProduct Application
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rr < Pharmacological Effect
< Diuretic Effect
< Antitussive and expectorant effects
< Effects on the central nervous system
< Effects on the digestive system
< Effects on isolated intestinal segments of animals Effect
< Effect on intestinal motility in rats
< Anti-fertility effect
< Inhibitory effect on xanthine oxidase< br/> <
< Anti-leukemia effect
< Antibacterial effect
< Other effects